>Welcome >Ministries >Mosaic


Next MOSAIC February 8th @ 6:00 pm 


hey... guess what!

Mosaic meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 6:00 pm, unless other wise noted.

A night full of music worship and prayer time. Come worship with us as we meet Jesus in an intimate place and remember that Jesus reigns!  Food provided. Everyone is welcome! 

Participate in a UNIQUE worship experience
in the Community Hall at the Church! 

The goal of Mosaic is to build a grass roots community with the MOSAIC generation, "what is the mosaic generation?" you might ask? It is a mindset, it is a thinking with the present and future in mind, it is. This is a contemporary service, offering a casual, comfortable, & café style get together. A come as you are service that includes intentional components such as live worship, and interactive and relevant topics that are challenging to this demographic, or age group, in the church.

Growing old is our default. It happens naturally. And Inevitably. We see the results of growing old when we look in the mirror. We see the effects when we look around in our congregations. 

With Age comes great wisdom and beauty. Decades of burrowing the love and Grace of Jesus give the mature members of our faith communities a network of deep roots. Year after year, season after season, their ongoing commitment to love God and others yields a rich harvest. 

OLD ISN'T BAD. We love old. We just don't think it's the whole story. 

Our church needs young people, and they need our church. One without the other is incomplete.  (excerpt from Growing Young; authors Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, and Brad Griffin)

Food, and drinks provided.



Pastor Victor Carreiro
MOSAIC Ministry Leader