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"WE" Retirees Get- Together

"We" Retirees is paused until further notice...


You are invited to join us every 3rd Tuesday, at 5:00 pm (unless otherwise noted) for food, fun and fellowship! (Location TBA).
Bring a dish to share, and enjoy visiting, good food, and mainly FELLOWSHIP! This is an open group! If you were born BEFORE 1955, are retired (or just tired) and like many of us don't really care about being a designated "group" (i.e. Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials), come and enjoy!  If you have questions, please give us a call.  

LOCATION: 3111 W. Canal Drive, Kennewick (lower level). Please bring a dish to share and plan to enjoy good food, good company and visit the evening away. 

QUESTIONS: Contact Sue at (509) 539-5188 OR duanensue@gmail.com  Thank you!

Contact Loni Stout

Member Nurture Ministry Leader