>Welcome >Ministries >Worship


Here at the Richland Seventh-day Adventist Church we highly value passionate and engaging worship. We believe that our worship expression publicly is a celebration of what God has done and is doing in our lives privately. Worship at Richland will always be led with great faith and joy! As we worship, it's our conviction that we are calling on the presence of God and in His presence anything is possible! We will continue to creatively express our passion for Jesus in song, video, spoken word and everything we do! Our God is limitless and we aim to experience that in each service! 

If your passion or talent is Worship, please talk to us about ways to get involved in this ministry. And if you feel called to serve as a Deacon or Deaconess, or have a passion for Prayer, let us know. We'd love to share with you how you can serve.


Learn more or ask us a question about the Worship Ministry, (including Audio or Visuals)

Contact Daryl Ballard

Worship Ministry Director